Bird migration modelling: Inference
This MATLAB livescript presents a spatio-temporal model of the nocturnal migration of birds over Europe based on measurement of weather radars.
The model decomposes a power transform of the bird density B [bird/km^2] at locations and time t at at two scales: a multi-night and intra-night scale:
and is
are determinisitic trend modeled with basis function (polynomial) accounting for the non-stationarity at the multi-night and intra-night scale respectively.
are random process at the multi-night (i.e. the average density over the night), and intra-night scale respectively.
maps the continous time t the day of its closer night 1. Import and create data
clear all; load('../1-Cleaning/data/dc_corr.mat'); load coastlines; addpath('./functions/'); warning('off')
Define a few useful variable
uniqueDate = round(datenum(datetime(start_date:end_date)))';
Create the data structure data used for the rest of the code
t15min = bsxfun(@plus,datenum(start_date:1/24/60*15:end_date),(-4:4)'*1/24/60);
t15min = datetime(sort(t15min(:)),'ConvertFrom','datenum');
id = dc(i_d).NNT(:)>=-1 & dc(i_d).NNT(:)<=1 & dc(i_d).denss>dens_lim & ismember(dc(i_d).time,t15min);
d.NNT = dc(i_d).NNT(id)';
d.time = datenum(dc(i_d).time(id));
% d.duration = dc(i_d).etime(id)-dc(i_d).stime(id);
d.dayradar = sub2ind([numel(dc) numel(uniqueDate)],d.radar,;
% filter by day with less than 10% of data present
tmp3 = [uniqueDate,histc(uniqueDate(,uniqueDate)];
tmp4 = ~ismember(uniqueDate(,tmp3(0.1*max(tmp3(:,2))>tmp3(:,2),1));
data = [data ; d(tmp4,:) ];
Define the covaraince function used
Gneiting = @(dist,time,range_dist,range_time,delta,gamma,beta) 1./( (time./range_time).^(2.*delta) +1 ) .* exp(-(dist./range_dist).^(2.*gamma)./((time./range_time).^(2.*delta) +1).^(beta.*gamma) );
Delete variable not used
2. Power transformation p
Bird densities present a very skew histogram
figure('position',[0 0 1000 400]); histogram(data.dens)
tmp = @(data,parm) data.^parm;
pow = fminsearch(@(parm) kstestmin(data.dens,tmp,parm), 1/8);
disp(['Power transformation p: ' num2str(pow)]);
Power transformation p: 0.13271
figure('position',[0 0 1000 400]); hold on;
legend('Log transform',['Power p=' num2str(pow)])
The transformed densities will be modeled
data.denst = data.dens.^pow;
3. Multi-night scale
The multi-night scale considers the daily (or nightly) fluctuation of bird density. The average bird density over night is modeled as a Gaussian process M with a spatial trend μ.
Define the structure multi as with the grid data day * radar:
Compute the the multi-night scale at all day*radar as the average during this night. Note that in the code we note multi.M for
and multi.Mn for M. multi.M=nan(numel(dc), numel(uniqueDate));
3.1 Spatial trend 
The spatial trend accounts for the smoothly variation of the multi-scale Only the latitude component is fitted as adding the latitude shows little improvment.
Compute the parameters of the trend
multi.w = [ones(sum(~multi.isnan(:)),1) dclat(multi.R(~multi.isnan))] \ multi.M(~multi.isnan);
fprintf('Spatial trend parameters w_0=%.3f, w_{lat}=%.3f',multi.w(1),multi.w(2));
Spatial trend parameters w_0=2.566, w_{lat}=-0.024
Illustration of the spatial trend
figure('position',[0 0 1000 400]);
subplot(1,2,1); hold on; h=worldmap([min(dclat) max(dclat)], [min(dclon) max(dclon)]);
setm(h,'frame','on','grid','off'); set(findall(h,'Tag','MLabel'),'visible','off'); set(findall(h,'Tag','PLabel'),'visible','off')
[LAT,LON] = meshgrid(min(dclat):max(dclat),min(dclon):max(dclon));
plotm(coastlat, coastlon,'k')
title('Fitted planar trend \mu with averaged bird density per radar');
subplot(1,2,2); hold on; h=worldmap([min(dclat) max(dclat)], [min(dclon) max(dclon)]);
setm(h,'frame','on','grid','off'); set(findall(h,'Tag','MLabel'),'visible','off'); set(findall(h,'Tag','PLabel'),'visible','off')
geoshow('landareas.shp', 'FaceColor', [215 215 215]./255); geoshow('worldrivers.shp','Color', 'blue')
scatterm(dclat,dclon,[dc.maxrange]*4,nanmean(multi.M,2)-dclat*multi.w(2)-multi.w(1),'filled','MarkerEdgeColor','k'); title('De-trended average per radar (M)');
The average of each radar during the study period shows a strong NS increase (left). The residual (right) shows more the coridor of migration with lower migration density along the FR-NL coast, and along the Alps. Another strange effect is the drastic change between Sweden and Finland.
Compute the de-trended amplitude
multi.Mn = (multi.M(~multi.isnan)-dclat(multi.R(~multi.isnan))*multi.w(2)-multi.w(1));
Check histogram
%figure('position',[0 0 1000 400]); hold on; histogram(ampli.An); histogram(ampli.A);
3.2 Covariance function of 
Buliding the distance matrix in time and space of the amplitude
Ddist=squareform(pdist([dclat(multi.R(~multi.isnan)) dclon(multi.R(~multi.isnan))],@lldistkm));
Compute the empirical covariance on a grid
multi.cov.emp = bsxfun(@times, multi.Mn', multi.Mn);
multi.cov.d=[0 1 300 500 1000];
multi.cov.t=[0 1 2 3 5 10];
[multi.cov.D,multi.cov.T] = meshgrid(multi.cov.d(1:end-1)+diff(multi.cov.d)/2,multi.cov.t(1:end-1));
multi.cov.D_emp=nan(size(multi.cov.D)); multi.cov.T_emp = multi.cov.D_emp;
for i_t=1:numel(multi.cov.t)-1
for i_d=1:numel(multi.cov.d)-1
id = Dtime>=multi.cov.t(i_t) & Dtime<multi.cov.t(i_t+1) & Ddist>=multi.cov.d(i_d) & Ddist<multi.cov.d(i_d+1);
multi.cov.D_emp(i_t,i_d) = nanmean(Ddist(id)); multi.cov.T_emp(i_t,i_d) = nanmean(Dtime(id));
multi.cov.emp_grid(i_t,i_d) = nanmean( multi.cov.emp(id) );
%figure;surf(ampli.cov.D_emp,ampli.cov.T_emp,ampli.cov.emp_grid); xlabel('Distance [km]'); ylabel('Time [days]')
The covariance function is fitted with a nugget and a Gneiting model. The data are filtered by a maximum distance and time in order to reduce the computational cost and overfitting long-distance/time lag.
Gneiting_fit = @(parm) parm(1)*(multi.cov.D_emp==0 & multi.cov.T_emp==0) + parm(2)*(multi.cov.D_emp==0) + parm(3).*Gneiting(multi.cov.D_emp,multi.cov.T_emp,parm(4),parm(5),parm(6),parm(7),parm(8));
multi.cov.parm0 =[.5 .5 .5 500 5 .5 .5 .5 ];
multi.cov.parm_min=[0 0 0 0.0001 0 0 0 0 ]';
multi.cov.parm_max=[nancov(multi.Mn) nancov(multi.Mn) nancov(multi.Mn) 3000 10 1 1 1 ]';
rmse = @(parm) sum(sum( ( 1000*abs(multi.cov.emp_grid).*abs(Gneiting_fit(parm) - multi.cov.emp_grid) ) ));
multi.cov.parm = fmincon(rmse,multi.cov.parm0,[],[],[1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0],nancov(multi.Mn),multi.cov.parm_min,multi.cov.parm_max,[],optimoptions('fmincon','Display','off'));
Construct the covariance function as inline function.
multi.cov.C = @(D,T) multi.cov.parm(1)*(D==0 & T==0) + multi.cov.parm(2)*(D==0) + multi.cov.parm(3).*Gneiting(D,T,multi.cov.parm(4),multi.cov.parm(5),multi.cov.parm(6),multi.cov.parm(7),multi.cov.parm(8));
Shows the resultings paramters
fprintf(['nugget(0,0)\t nugget(0,:)\t var\t range distance[km]\t range time[day]\t shape distance (delta)\t shape time (gamma)\t separability (beta)\n%.3f\t\t %.3f\t\t %.3f\t %.3f\t\t %.3f\t\t\t %.3f\t\t\t %.3f\t\t\t %.3f'],multi.cov.parm)
nugget(0,0) nugget(0,:) var range distance[km] range time[day] shape distance (delta) shape time (gamma) separability (beta)
0.001 0.006 0.032 500.023 1.124 0.979 0.708 0.095
Illustration of the fitted covariance function
[tmpD,tmpT] = meshgrid(multi.cov.d(1):1:multi.cov.d(end),multi.cov.t(1):0.1:multi.cov.t(end));
s=surf(tmpD,tmpT,multi.cov.C(tmpD, tmpT));
surf(multi.cov.D_emp,multi.cov.T_emp,multi.cov.emp_grid); xlabel('Distance [km]'); ylabel('Time [Days]');
s.EdgeColor='none'; view(3);
4. Intra-night scale
At the intra-night scale, we model the the fluctuation around the multi-night scale
intra.I = data.denst-multi.M(data.dayradar);
4.1 Curve trend 
The most important trend at the intra-night scale is along the the night. We use a polynomial function to account for this smooth variation
intra.a = bsxfun(@power,data.NNT,0:intra.apo)\intra.I;
disp('Polynomial coefficient a: ');fprintf('%.2f, ',intra.a);
Polynomial coefficient a:
0.04, -0.10, 0.07, 0.27, -1.29, -0.59, 2.86, 0.44, -1.92,
[~,id] = min(bsxfun(@minus,data.NNT,NNT_axis).^2,[],2);
figure('position',[0 0 1000 400]); hold on;
plot(NNT_axis, bsxfun(@power,NNT_axis',0:intra.apo)*intra.a,'-r');
xlabel('Normalized Night Time (NNT) (-1: sunset | 1: sunrise)'); ylabel('B^p-M-\mu'); ylim([-1 .6]); xlim([-1 1])
In addition to present a trend of the mean, the intra-night components also contains a non-stationarity of variance along the night (see figure below). We fit another polynomial function to normalize the variance
intra.b = bsxfun(@power,data.NNT,0:intra.bpo) \ (intra.I-bsxfun(@power,data.NNT,0:intra.apo)*intra.a).^2;
disp('Polynomial coefficient b');fprintf('%.2f, ',intra.b)
Polynomial coefficient b
0.00, -0.00, 0.02, 0.04, -0.17, -0.17, 0.62, 0.26, -0.93, -0.12, 0.49,
figure('position',[0 0 1000 400]); hold on;
plot(NNT_axis, bsxfun(@power,NNT_axis',0:intra.bpo)*intra.b,'-r');
xlabel('Noramlized night (-1: sunset | 1: sunrise)'); ylabel('var(B^p-M-\mu-\iota)');ylim([0 .3]); xlim([-1 1])
Finally, combining the polynomial of the curve and the correction for variance, we find the de-trended intra-night scale I
intra.In = (intra.I-bsxfun(@power,data.NNT,0:intra.apo)*intra.a) ./ sqrt(bsxfun(@power,data.NNT,0:intra.bpo)*intra.b);
Check the histogram
% figure('position',[0 0 1000 400]); histogram(res.Rn);xlim([-6 6])
4.2 Covariance function of 
Built the matrix of distances of the data. Distence (or difference) in lattitude, longitude, time and value.
Ddist_sm = squareform(pdist([dclat dclon], @lldistkm));
id = find(;
d.Ddist = reshape(Ddist_sm(data.radar(id),data.radar(id)),[],1);
d.Dtime = reshape(squareform(pdist(data.time(id))),[],1);
d.Did1 = repmat(id,numel(id),1);
d.Did2 = repelem(id,numel(id));
Empirical covariance function
intra.cov.d=[0 1 100 150 200 250 300 600 1000];
intra.cov.t=[0 .01 .02 .05 .07 .1 .5];
intra.cov.D_emp=nan(size(intra.cov.D)); intra.cov.T_emp=nan(size(intra.cov.D));
for i_d=1:numel(intra.cov.d)-1
id1 = find(D.Ddist>=intra.cov.d(i_d) & D.Ddist<intra.cov.d(i_d+1));
for i_t=1:numel(intra.cov.t)-1
id2 = id1(D.Dtime(id1)>=intra.cov.t(i_t) & D.Dtime(id1)<intra.cov.t(i_t+1));
intra.cov.emp_grid(i_t,i_d)= mean(intra.In(D.Did1(id2)) .* intra.In(D.Did2(id2)));
intra.cov.D_emp(i_t,i_d) = nanmean(D.Ddist(id2));
intra.cov.T_emp(i_t,i_d) = nanmean(D.Dtime(id2));
% figure; surf(res.cov.D_emp,res.cov.T_emp,res.cov.emp_grid); xlabel('Distance [km]'); ylabel('Time [Days]');
Calibrate the covariance function
Gneiting_fit = @(parm) parm(1)*(intra.cov.D_emp==0 & intra.cov.T_emp==0) + parm(2)*(intra.cov.D_emp==0) + parm(3).*Gneiting(intra.cov.D_emp,intra.cov.T_emp,parm(4),parm(5),parm(6),parm(7),parm(8));
intra.cov.parm0 =[.5 .5 .5 500 5 .5 .5 .5 ];
intra.cov.parm_min=[0 0 0 0.0001 0 0 0 0 ]';
intra.cov.parm_max=[nancov(intra.In) nancov(intra.In) nancov(intra.In) 3000 10 1 1 1 ]';
rmse = @(parm) sum(sum( ( 1000*abs(intra.cov.emp_grid).*abs(Gneiting_fit(parm) - intra.cov.emp_grid) ) ));
intra.cov.parm = fmincon(rmse,intra.cov.parm0,[],[],[1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0],[nancov(intra.In)],intra.cov.parm_min,intra.cov.parm_max,[],optimoptions('fmincon','Display','off'));
Build the inline covariance function.
intra.cov.C = @(D,T) intra.cov.parm(1)*(D==0 & T==0) + intra.cov.parm(2)*(D==0) + intra.cov.parm(3).*Gneiting(D,T,intra.cov.parm(4),intra.cov.parm(5),intra.cov.parm(6),intra.cov.parm(7),intra.cov.parm(8));
Display the parameters values.
fprintf(['nugget(0,0)\t nugget(0,:)\t var\t range distance[km]\t range time[day]\t shape distance (delta)\t shape time (gamma)\t separability (beta)\n%.3f\t\t %.3f\t\t %.3f\t %.3f\t\t %.3f\t\t\t %.3f\t\t\t %.3f\t\t\t %.3f'],intra.cov.parm)
nugget(0,0) nugget(0,:) var range distance[km] range time[day] shape distance (delta) shape time (gamma) separability (beta)
0.089 0.000 0.913 190.241 0.066 1.000 0.403 0.999
[tmpD,tmpT] = meshgrid(intra.cov.d(1):1:intra.cov.d(end),intra.cov.t(1):0.1:intra.cov.t(end));
surf(intra.cov.D_emp,intra.cov.T_emp,intra.cov.emp_grid); xlabel('Distance [km]'); ylabel('Time [Days]');
s.EdgeColor='none'; view(3)
5. Save
Save the parameters of the model.
% writetable(data,'data/Density_data.csv')
6. Model quality (bonus)
figure('position',[0 0 1000 400]); hold on; ylabel('Normalized Residual'); xlabel('Transformed density')
coeffs = [ones(size(data.denst)) data.denst] \ intra.In;
plot( [.2 2.2],[1 .2;1 2.2]*coeffs,'--','Color',[.5 .5 .5],'LineWidth',2)
plot([.2 2.2],[0 0],'r','LineWidth',2); axis([.4 2 -4 4])
figure('position',[0 0 1000 400]); hold on; ylabel('Residual'); xlabel('Amplitude')
coeffs = [ones(size(data.dayradar)) multi.M(data.dayradar)] \ intra.I;
plot( [.5 2],[.5 1;2 1]*coeffs,'--','Color',[.5 .5 .5],'LineWidth',2)
plot([.5 2],[0 0],'r','LineWidth',2);
figure('position',[0 0 1000 400]);
subplot(1,2,1); hold on; worldmap([min(dclat) max(dclat)], [min(dclon) max(dclon)]);
plotm(coastlat, coastlon,'k')
scatterm(dclat,dclon,[dc.maxrange]*4,res_r_m,'filled','MarkerEdgeColor','k'); title('Average Residual'); colorbar;
subplot(1,2,2); hold on; worldmap([min(dclat) max(dclat)], [min(dclon) max(dclon)]);
plotm(coastlat, coastlon,'k')
scatterm(dclat,dclon,[dc.maxrange]*4,res_r_std,'filled','MarkerEdgeColor','k'); title('Std residual'); colorbar;