Processing wind data and compute energy

Table of Contents
Load winfarm data
load('data/windfarms_processed.mat', 'tim')

Interpolate wind data at windfarm location

Load wind data

Wind data is downloaded from10.24381/cds.adbb2d47, with the 10m and 100m u and v component of wind.
file='./ECMWF/'; %ncdisp(file);
w_time = datetime('2018-01-01 00:00'):1/24:datetime('2018-12-31 23:00'); % ncread(file,'time')
w_u100 = permute(flip(ncread(file,'u100'),2) , [2 1 3]);
w_v100 = permute(flip(ncread(file,'v100'),2) , [2 1 3]);
w_u10 = permute(flip(ncread(file,'u10'),2) , [2 1 3]);
w_v10 = permute(flip(ncread(file,'v10'),2) , [2 1 3]);
Compute the absolute windspeed value at 10 and 100m
w_100 = sqrt(w_u100.^2 + w_v100.^2);
w_10 = sqrt(w_u10.^2 + w_v10.^2);

Interpolate wind data

Spatial interpolation at 100 and 10m at the windfarm location
F = griddedInterpolant({w_lat,w_lon,datenum(w_time)},w_100,'linear','nearest');
w_hundread = F(repmat(tim.Latitude,1,numel(w_time)), repmat(tim.Longitude,1,numel(w_time)), repmat(datenum(w_time),size(tim,1),1));
F = griddedInterpolant({w_lat,w_lon,datenum(w_time)},w_10,'linear','nearest');
w_ten = F(repmat(tim.Latitude,1,numel(w_time)), repmat(tim.Longitude,1,numel(w_time)), repmat(datenum(w_time),size(tim,1),1));
Vertical interpolation of the interpolated windspeed at the exact hub height of each windturbine
alpha = (log(w_hundread)-log(w_ten)) ./ (log(100)-log(10));
w_height = w_hundread .* (tim.Hub_height /100).^alpha;


figure('position',[0 0 800 400]); box on; hold on;
histogram(w_height); xlabel('Wind speed at hub height (all time, all windfarms)')
plot([2.4 2.4],[0 3.5e5],'-r')
plot([24.1 24.1],[0 3.5e5],'-r')
% figure; plot(w_time, mean(t_height));
Windspeed at day vs night
% w_height
Variation of windspeed per day
w_height_mday=splitapply(@(x) nanmean(x,'all'),w_height,G);
w_height_sday=splitapply(@(x) nanstd(x,[],'all'),w_height,G);
figure('position',[0 0 1000 600]); hold on
fill([w_time_day fliplr(w_time_day)], [w_height_mday-w_height_sday fliplr(w_height_mday+w_height_sday)],[.5 .5 .5],'EdgeAlpha',0);
plot(w_time_day, w_height_mday,'-k');
ylabel('Average wind speed [m/s]')

Compute Power

Compute the power equivalent of each windfarm and each timestep (still on the ERA5 time resolution 1hr).
We use a small trick to match the windspeed with the equivalent power production by using the fact that the power production is set on a regular windspeed grid (powerCurve.ws_smooth) which is 0:0.1:35. So, we can find for each windspeed (t_height), the index in the powercurve table (tim.power), using:
wind_height_r = round(w_height,1); % round to the resolution of the windspeed 0.1
index = uint16(wind_height_r*10+1); % 0.1 resolution -> 1 resolution , and +1 to get index 0 to 1.
We can then loop through each windfarm and get the power equivalent using this index
power = nan(size(w_height));
for i_t = 1:size(w_height,1)
power(i_t,:) = tim.powerCurve(i_t,index(i_t,:)).*tim.Number_of_turbines(i_t);


The total Power Potential is in PetaJoule (10^15 Joule or Watt/hours):
figure('position',[0 0 1000 600]);
plot(w_time_day, tmp2'*1000/1e9); ylabel('Total Power [GW]')
figure('position',[0 0 1000 600]);
plot(w_time_day, tmp2./mean(tmp2)*1000/1e9); ylabel('Total Power [GW]')
figure('position',[0 0 1400 700]);
subplot(1,2,1); hold on;
h = worldmap([min(tim.Latitude)-2 max(tim.Latitude)+2], [min(tim.Longitude)-2 max(tim.Longitude)+2]);
setm(h,'frame','on','grid','off'); set(findall(h,'Tag','MLabel'),'visible','off'); set(findall(h,'Tag','PLabel'),'visible','off')
bordersm('countries','facecolor',[228 238 243]./255);
% surfm(,g.lon,turbineSweptAreaMap)
c=colorbar; c.Label.String='Average windspeed [m/s]';
subplot(1,2,2); hold on;
h = worldmap([min(tim.Latitude)-2 max(tim.Latitude)+2], [min(tim.Longitude)-2 max(tim.Longitude)+2]);
setm(h,'frame','on','grid','off'); set(findall(h,'Tag','MLabel'),'visible','off'); set(findall(h,'Tag','PLabel'),'visible','off')
bordersm('countries','facecolor',[228 238 243]./255);
% surfm(,g.lon,turbineSweptAreaMap)
tmp = sum(power*1000*60*60/1e12,2); [~,id_sorted] = sort(tmp);
scatterm(tim.Latitude(id_sorted),tim.Longitude(id_sorted),[],tmp(id_sorted),'.'); % caxis([0 100]);
c=colorbar; c.Label.String='Potential Energy production [TJ=1000GWh]';
tmp = sum(power*1000*60*60/1e12,2);
figure('position',[0 0 1000 400]);
subplot(1,2,1); hold on;
l=lsline; l.Color='r'; box on
xlabel('Sum of Swept Area [#Turbine x Swept Area m^2]');
ylabel('Sum of Energy produced in 2018 [TJ]')
subplot(1,2,2); hold on;
l=lsline; l.Color='r'; box on
c=colorbar('north'); c.Label.String='#Turbine';
xlabel('Total Capacity [#Turbine x Capacity kW]');
ylabel('Sum of Energy produced in 2018 [TJ]')


time = w_time;