Interpolate flying height ratio

In this script, we quantify the ratio of bird flying at windturbine height and compute a ratio of the bird density flying at this altititude bin.
Table of Contents

Load data

Define standard windturbine height
windturbine_minheight = 60;
windturbine_maxheight = 150;

Compute ratio at weather radar location

Get bird density integrated over entire height and windturbine height with and without the interpolation
denss_wt = nan(numel(dc(1).time),numel(dc),30);
denss_tt = nan(numel(dc(1).time),numel(dc),30);
denss_wt_s = nan(numel(dc(1).time),numel(dc),1);
denss_tt_s = nan(numel(dc(1).time),numel(dc),1);
for i_d=1:numel(dc)
% bin height to integrate the full profile (0-200)
tmp_tt = min(max(dc(1).alt+100-dc(i_d).heightDEM,0),200);
% bin height to integrate the over windturbine height
tmp1 = min(max((dc(i_d).heightDEM+windturbine_maxheight) - (dc(1).alt-100),0),200);
tmp2 = min(max((dc(i_d).heightDEM+windturbine_minheight) - (dc(1).alt-100),0),200);
tmp_wt = tmp1 - tmp2;
% without simulation (no data => 0)
tmp4 = dc(i_d).dens4;
tmp4(:,1:dc(i_d).scatter_lim-1) = nan;
denss_tt_s(:,i_d,1) = sum(tmp4 .* tmp_tt,2,'omitnan'); % bird/km^3 * m
denss_wt_s(:,i_d,1) = sum(tmp4 .* tmp_wt,2,'omitnan'); % bird/km^3 * m
% with MPS simulation
for i_s = 1:30
tmp4(:,1:dc(i_d).scatter_lim-1) = MPS{i_d}(:,1:dc(i_d).scatter_lim-1,i_s);
denss_tt(:,i_d,i_s) = sum(tmp4 .* tmp_tt,2,'omitnan');
denss_wt(:,i_d,i_s) = sum(tmp4 .* tmp_wt,2,'omitnan');
Compute ratio
ratio = denss_wt./denss_tt / (windturbine_maxheight-windturbine_minheight); % 1 / m
ratio_m = mean(ratio,3,'omitnan');
ratio_s = denss_wt_s./denss_tt_s / (windturbine_maxheight-windturbine_minheight);
clear unused variable
clear MPS tmp*
Compute NNT
NNT = datenum(repmat(dc(1).time',1,numel(dc))-mean(cat(3,[dc.dawn],[dc.dusk]),3)) ./ datenum([dc.dawn]-[dc.dusk])*2;

Exploratory spatio-temporal variation of the ratio

How many radar are covering windturbine height?

figure('position',[0 0 800 200]); hold on;
f=plot(permute(nanmean(ratio,1),[2 3 1]));
xticks(1:numel(dc)); xticklabels({}); xtickangle(90)
xlabel('radar'); ylabel('Mean ratio'); box on; grid on; legend(f([end 1]),'simulation','no simulation')

How much bird are flying over wind-turbine height?

figure('position',[0 0 1300 600]); hold on;
imagesc(datenum(dc(1).time),1:numel(dc),ratio_m', 'AlphaData',double(0~=denss_tt(:,:,1)'));
axis tight; view(2); yticks(1:numel(dc)); yticklabels({}); %xtickangle(90)
datetick('x','keepticks'); c=colorbar; c.Label.String='Ratio= bird density [windturbine height] / bird density [0-5km]';

Temporal and radar variation of the ratio per day

Group per day to see more easily
G = findgroups(day_id);
denss_wt_d = splitapply(@nanmean,nanmean(denss_wt,3),G');
denss_tt_d = splitapply(@nanmean,nanmean(denss_tt,3),G');
figure('position',[0 0 1300 600]); hold on;
subplot(5,5,[2 20])
imagesc(datenum(dc(1).time),1:numel(dc),(denss_wt_d./denss_tt_d)', 'AlphaData',double(0~=denss_tt_d'));
c=colorbar; c.Label.String='Ratio= bird density [windturbine height] / bird density [0-5km]';
view(2); datetick('x','keepticks'); %xtickangle(90) colorbar;
xticks([]); yticks([]);
subplot(5,5,[1 16]);
yticks(1:numel(dc)); yticklabels({}); axis tight;xlabel('Ratio')
subplot(5,5,[22 25]);
bar(nansum(denss_wt_d,2)./nansum(denss_tt_d,2)); axis tight; ylabel('Ratio')

Spatial variation of the ratio

h=worldmap([floor(min([])) ceil(max([]))], [floor(min([dc.lon])) ceil(max([dc.lon]))]);
setm(h,'frame','on','grid','off'); set(findall(h,'Tag','MLabel'),'visible','off'); set(findall(h,'Tag','PLabel'),'visible','off')
bordersm('countries','facecolor',[228 238 243]./255); %geoshow('worldrivers.shp','Color', 'blue')
scatterm([],[dc.lon],200,nanmean(ratio_m),'filled'); colorbar;

Intra-night variation

figure('position',[0 0 800 300]); hold on;
p_=8; p=nan(p_,numel(dc));
for i_d=1:numel(dc)
xlabel('NNT'); ylabel('Ratio per radar fit with a polyfit'); box on;

Variation of ratio as a function of density

plot(reshape(denss_tt(:,:,2),1,[]),ratio_m(:),'.k');a=lsline; a.Color='r';

Interpolation with Generalized linear model (GLM)

After exploring the spatio-temporal variation,we need to come up with a method to interpolate the ratio on the same grid than the energy data (0.25° -1hr)

Prepare and format data for glm

Construct the table for fitting
Tfit = table(ratio_m(:), ...
repelem([]',numel(dc(1).time),1), ...
repelem([dc.lon]',numel(dc(1).time),1), ...
NNT(:), ...
'VariableNames',{'ratio','lat','lon','NNT', 'time','dens_tt', 'radar'});
remove nan for the fitting
Remove value with little/no impact (i.e. no bird)
%[f,x] = ecdf(Tfit.dens_tt); max(x(f<0.1))
figure('position',[0 0 800 300]); histogram(Tfit.ratio)

Choose model specification with a stepwise glm

Construct the model specification for each variable at the time (lat-lon, time and NNT)
mdllatlon = stepwiseglm(Tfit,'constant', 'ResponseVar', 'ratio', 'PredictorVars', {'lat','lon'},'Weights',Tfit.dens_tt, 'Verbose',0,'Upper','poly44') % same as ,'Criterion','bic'
mdllatlon =
Generalized linear regression model: ratio ~ 1 + lat*lon + lat^2 + lon^2 + (lat^2):lon + lat:(lon^2) + lat^3 + lon^3 + (lat^2):(lon^2) + lat:(lon^3) + lon^4 Distribution = Normal Estimated Coefficients: Estimate SE tStat pValue ___________ __________ _______ __________ (Intercept) -0.20762 0.011193 -18.549 8.7724e-77 lat 0.0137 0.00072614 18.867 2.2482e-79 lon -0.010988 0.00057043 -19.262 1.1834e-82 lat:lon 0.00046623 2.4859e-05 18.755 1.8544e-78 lat^2 -0.00030118 1.57e-05 -19.183 5.3898e-82 lon^2 0.00038224 2.7125e-05 14.092 4.3406e-45 lat^2:lon -4.977e-06 2.7022e-07 -18.418 9.8306e-76 lat:lon^2 -1.52e-05 1.2817e-06 -11.859 1.9479e-32 lat^3 2.2144e-06 1.1314e-07 19.573 2.8037e-85 lon^3 -3.7588e-06 5.9683e-07 -6.298 3.0171e-10 lat^2:lon^2 1.5397e-07 1.5186e-08 10.139 3.7141e-24 lat:lon^3 1.1204e-07 1.296e-08 8.6447 5.4095e-18 lon^4 -1.315e-07 3.2632e-09 -40.297 0 586135 observations, 586122 error degrees of freedom Estimated Dispersion: 0.00577 F-statistic vs. constant model: 6.17e+03, p-value = 0
mdltime = stepwiseglm(Tfit,'constant', 'ResponseVar', 'ratio', 'PredictorVars', 'time','Weights',Tfit.dens_tt, 'Verbose',0,'Upper','poly9') % same with ,'Criterion','bic'
mdltime =
Generalized linear regression model: ratio ~ 1 + time + time^2 + time^3 Distribution = Normal Estimated Coefficients: Estimate SE tStat pValue ___________ __________ _______ ______ (Intercept) 0.0019087 1.4167e-05 134.73 0 time -2.2642e-05 2.6792e-07 -84.511 0 time^2 1.1324e-07 1.436e-09 78.861 0 time^3 -1.4857e-10 2.37e-12 -62.691 0 586135 observations, 586131 error degrees of freedom Estimated Dispersion: 0.0057 F-statistic vs. constant model: 2.73e+04, p-value = 0
mdlNNT = stepwiseglm(Tfit,'constant', 'ResponseVar', 'ratio', 'PredictorVars', 'NNT','Weights',Tfit.dens_tt, 'Verbose',0,'Upper','poly9') % goes up to ^9 with ,'Criterion','bic'
mdlNNT =
Generalized linear regression model: ratio ~ 1 + NNT + NNT^2 + NNT^3 + NNT^4 + NNT^5 + NNT^6 + NNT^7 Distribution = Normal Estimated Coefficients: Estimate SE tStat pValue ___________ __________ _______ ___________ (Intercept) 0.0010171 1.8974e-06 536.05 0 NNT 0.00039666 1.0237e-05 38.747 0 NNT^2 -5.894e-05 2.489e-05 -2.368 0.017884 NNT^3 -0.0016965 7.8567e-05 -21.593 2.2723e-103 NNT^4 -0.00038228 7.2533e-05 -5.2703 1.3622e-07 NNT^5 0.0047662 0.00017212 27.691 1.1429e-168 NNT^6 0.00085227 5.5466e-05 15.365 2.859e-53 NNT^7 -0.0037093 0.00011069 -33.512 5.5507e-246 586135 observations, 586127 error degrees of freedom Estimated Dispersion: 0.00625 F-statistic vs. constant model: 3.29e+03, p-value = 0
The stepwiseglm with all variable at the same time takes too much time to run
% modelspec = 'ratio ~ lat*lon + lat^2 + lon^2 + (lat^2):lon + lat:(lon^2) + lat^3 + lon^3 + (lat^2):(lon^2) + lat:(lon^3) + lon^4 + time + time^2 + time^3 + NNT + NNT^2 + NNT^3 + NNT^4 + NNT^5 + NNT^6 + NNT^7';
% mdl = stepwiseglm(Tfit,modelspec, 'ResponseVar', 'ratio', 'PredictorVars', {'lat','lon','NNT','time'},'Weights',Tfit.dens_tt, 'Verbose',2,'Upper','poly7777')

Build GLM model

From the stepwise glm, we build the combined model:
modelspec = 'ratio ~ lat*lon + lat^2 + lon^2 + (lat^2):lon + lat:(lon^2) + lat^3 + lon^3 + (lat^2):(lon^2) + lat:(lon^3) + lon^4 + time + time^2 + time^3 + NNT + NNT^2 + NNT^3 + NNT^4 + NNT^5 + NNT^6 + NNT^7';
mdl = fitglm(Tfit, modelspec,'Weights',Tfit.dens_tt)
Warning: Regression design matrix is rank deficient to within machine precision.
mdl =
Generalized linear regression model: ratio ~ 1 + NNT + time + lat*lon + lat^2 + lon^2 + NNT^2 + time^2 + (lat^2):lon + lat:(lon^2) + lat^3 + lon^3 + NNT^3 + time^3 + (lat^2):(lon^2) + lat:(lon^3) + lon^4 + NNT^4 + NNT^5 + NNT^6 + NNT^7 Distribution = Normal Estimated Coefficients: Estimate SE tStat pValue ___________ __________ _______ ___________ (Intercept) 0 0 NaN NaN lat -8.838e-05 1.2964e-05 -6.8171 9.2969e-12 lon 0 0 NaN NaN NNT 0.00040718 8.9518e-06 45.486 0 time -2.546e-05 2.4618e-07 -103.42 0 lat:lon -1.0438e-05 4.8311e-07 -21.606 1.7189e-103 lat^2 5.1905e-06 5.6099e-07 9.2523 2.2041e-20 lon^2 0.00037943 1.0783e-05 35.187 6.0397e-271 NNT^2 -8.6466e-05 2.1767e-05 -3.9724 7.1155e-05 time^2 1.3304e-07 1.3211e-09 100.7 0 lat^2:lon 1.9322e-07 1.0239e-08 18.871 2.0936e-79 lat:lon^2 -1.302e-05 4.3456e-07 -29.961 4.4548e-197 lat^3 -5.1908e-08 6.0675e-09 -8.555 1.1813e-17 lon^3 -3.7841e-06 3.333e-07 -11.354 7.1687e-30 NNT^3 -0.0015776 6.8694e-05 -22.966 1.1438e-116 time^3 -1.8751e-10 2.1838e-12 -85.867 0 lat^2:lon^2 1.08e-07 4.6457e-09 23.247 1.7385e-119 lat:lon^3 1.1161e-07 7.3796e-09 15.124 1.1509e-51 lon^4 -1.082e-07 2.8446e-09 -38.035 3.6714e-316 NNT^4 -0.00011402 6.3437e-05 -1.7974 0.072267 NNT^5 0.0043701 0.00015049 29.039 2.9076e-185 NNT^6 0.00057353 4.8522e-05 11.82 3.1004e-32 NNT^7 -0.0033975 9.6781e-05 -35.105 1.0827e-269 586135 observations, 586114 error degrees of freedom Estimated Dispersion: 0.00478 F-statistic vs. constant model: 1.05e+04, p-value = 0

Other model tested

Other distribution of error: Removing the 0, we could fit a gamma:
% Tfit0=Tfit; Tfit0.ratio(Tfit.ratio==0)=0.001;
% mdl0 = fitglm(Tfit0, 'ratio ~ lat + lon + NNT + NNT^2 + NNT^3 + NNT^4 + NNT^5 + time + time^2 + time^3','distribution','gamma','Weights',Tfit0.dens_tt)
GLME (using radar as random variable)
% mdlglme = fitglme(Tfit, 'ratio ~ lat + lon + NNT + NNT^2 + NNT^3 + NNT^4 + NNT^5 + time + time^2 + time^3 + (1|radar)')
% mdlgam = fitrgam(Tfit,'ratio ~ lat + lon + NNT + time')
% yFit = resubPredict(Mdl)
Scatter interpolation (not used)
% ratio_coord_time = 13;
% time_data_day=datenum(dateshift(dc(1).time,'start','day','nearest'));
% [day_id,day]=findgroups(time_data_day);
% time_grid_day=datenum(dateshift(g.time,'start','day','nearest'));
% ratio_imterp = nan(g.nlat,g.nlon,g.nt);
% for i=1:numel(day)
% datetime(day(i),'ConvertFrom','datenum');
% id = day_id==i;
% v=denss_wt(id,:,2)./denss_tt(id,:,2);
% lat = repmat([],sum(id),1);
% lon = repmat([dc.lon],sum(id),1);
% t = repmat(datenum(dc(1).time(id))',1,numel(dc));
% Fnn = scatteredInterpolant(lat(~isnan(v)),lon(~isnan(v)),t(~isnan(v)).*ratio_coord_time,v(~isnan(v)),'natural','nearest');
% ratio_imterp(:,:,time_grid_day == day(i)) = Fnn({,g.lon,datenum(g.time(time_grid_day == day(i)))});
% end

Modeling all 30 simulations directly

% Tfit30 = table(ratio(:), ...
% repmat(repelem([]',numel(dc(1).time),1),30,1), ...
% repmat(repelem([dc.lon]',numel(dc(1).time),1),30,1), ...
% repmat(NNT(:),30,1) , ...
% repmat(repmat(datenum(dc(1).time-dc(1).time(1))',numel(dc),1),30,1),...
% denss_tt(:),...
% 'VariableNames',{'ratio','lat','lon','NNT', 'time','dens_tt'});
Using the 30 simulation, there are multiple duplicate value which fitglm does not like. We can account for those duplicate by removing them from the table and inscreasing their weight in the glm
% [Tfit2,~,ic]=unique(Tfit30,'rows');
% occ=histcounts(ic,0.5:1:height(Tfit2)+.5)';
% w=Tfit2.dens_tt.*occ;
% [f,x] = ecdf(w); id = Tfit2.dens_tt<max(x(f<0.01));
% Tfit2(id,:)=[];
% mdl2 = fitglm(Tfit2, modelspec,'Weights',w)
Or we can test with sub-sampling the table
% mdl3 = fitglm(Tfit(randsample(height(Tfit),1000),:), 'ratio ~ time + time^2 + time^3')

Analysing the uncertainty

Inspect GLM residual

Fit a normal distribution on the residuals
resdist = fitdist(mdl.Residuals.Raw,'Normal')
resdist =
NormalDistribution Normal distribution mu = 2.1996e-05 [2.01541e-05, 2.3838e-05] sigma = 0.000719512 [0.000718212, 0.000720816]
subplot(3,1,1); hold on; box on;
plot(Tfit.ratio, mdl.Fitted.Response,'.k'); a=lsline; a.Color='r'; plot([0 .7],[0 .7],'w'); axis equal
subplot(3,1,2); hold on; box on;
plot(x_lim(1):.01:x_lim(end), resdist.pdf(x_lim(1):.01:x_lim(end)),'r','linewidth',2)
% plotResiduals(mdl)

Fit vs empirical value

RatioPred = reshape(predict(mdl,[g.lat2D(:) g.lon2D(:) zeros(numel(g.lat2D),1) 182.*ones(numel(g.lat2D),3)]),size(g.lat2D));
hold on; h=worldmap([floor(min([])) ceil(max([]))], [floor(min([dc.lon])) ceil(max([dc.lon]))]);
setm(h,'frame','on','grid','off'); set(findall(h,'Tag','MLabel'),'visible','off'); set(findall(h,'Tag','PLabel'),'visible','off')
surfm(g.lat2D, g.lon2D, RatioPred)
scatterm([], [dc.lon], 80, nanmean(ratio_m),'filled','MarkerEdgeColor','k');
c=colorbar;c.Label.String='Ratio'; legend('fit','empirical mean')
[G_ratio] = splitapply(@nanmean,Tfit.ratio,G);
[RatioPred2,RatioPredIC2] = predict(mdl,[[mean( mean(Tfit.lon)].*ones(numel(G_NNT),2) G_NNT mean(Tfit.time).*ones(numel(G_NNT),3)]);
figure('position',[0 0 800 300]); hold on;
bar(G_NNT,G_ratio,'DisplayName','Empirical mean')
plot(G_NNT,RatioPred2,'linewidth',2,'DisplayName','fit (assuming mid-year)');
% plot(G_NNT,RatioPredIC2,'--k','linewidth',2);
% plot(G_NNT,random(mdl,[[49 6].*ones(numel(G_NNT),2) G_NNT mean(Tfit.time).*ones(numel(G_NNT),2)]),'.');
xlabel('NNT (-1:sunset | 1:sunrise');ylabel('Ratio');legend()
[G_ratio] = splitapply(@nanmean,Tfit.ratio,G);
[RatioPred3,RatioPredIC3] = predict(mdl,[[49 6 0].*ones(numel(G_time),3) G_time ones(numel(G_time),2)]);
G_timedate= datetime(datenum(dc(1).time(1))+G_time,'ConvertFrom','datenum');
figure('position',[0 0 800 300]); hold on;
bar(G_timedate,G_ratio,'DisplayName','Empirical daily mean')
xlabel('Date'); ylabel('Ratio'); legend()

Check Residuals with simulation from MPS

Tfit30 = table(ratio(:), ...
repmat(repelem([]',numel(dc(1).time),1),30,1), ...
repmat(repelem([dc.lon]',numel(dc(1).time),1),30,1), ...
repmat(NNT(:),30,1) , ...
'VariableNames',{'ratio','lat','lon','NNT', 'time','dens_tt','radar'});
tmp = predict(mdl, [repelem([]',numel(dc(1).time),1) repelem([dc.lon]',numel(dc(1).time),1) NNT(:) repmat(datenum(dc(1).time-dc(1).time(1))',numel(dc),1) reshape(denss_tt(:,:,1),[],1) reshape(repmat(1:37,size(ratio_m,1),1),[],1)]);
Tfit30.error = reshape(ratio-reshape(tmp,size(NNT)),[],1);
Limit size a bit
Fit distribution
resdist = fitdist(Tfit30.error(:),'Normal')
resdist =
NormalDistribution Normal distribution mu = 2.85153e-05 [2.81617e-05, 2.88689e-05] sigma = 0.000756504 [0.000756254, 0.000756754]
figure('position',[0 0 800 300]); hold on;
% plot(-1:0.01:1,resdist.pdf(-1:0.01:1)*10^5/4,'r','linewidth',2)

Resdiual by radar

figure('position',[0 0 800 400]); boxplot(Tfit30.error, Tfit30.radar); xticklabels({});
err_nan_m = splitapply(@mean, Tfit30.error, Tfit30.radar);
err_nan_s = splitapply(@std, Tfit30.error, Tfit30.radar);
figure('position',[0 0 1000 500]);
subplot(1,2,1); hold on; h=worldmap([floor(min([])) ceil(max([]))], [floor(min([dc.lon])) ceil(max([dc.lon]))]);
setm(h,'frame','on','grid','off'); set(findall(h,'Tag','MLabel'),'visible','off'); set(findall(h,'Tag','PLabel'),'visible','off')
scatterm([], [dc.lon], 200,err_nan_m,'filled','MarkerEdgeColor','k'); c=colorbar;c.Label.String='Mean Residuals';
subplot(1,2,2); hold on; h=worldmap([floor(min([])) ceil(max([]))], [floor(min([dc.lon])) ceil(max([dc.lon]))]);
setm(h,'frame','on','grid','off'); set(findall(h,'Tag','MLabel'),'visible','off'); set(findall(h,'Tag','PLabel'),'visible','off')
scatterm([], [dc.lon], 200,err_nan_s,'filled','MarkerEdgeColor','k'); c=colorbar;c.Label.String='std Residuals';

Residual with density

[Y,E] = discretize(Tfit30.dens_tt,100);
[G,ID] = findgroups(Y);
varBinResiduals(ID) = splitapply(@std,Tfit30.error,G);
% p = polyfit(Tfit.dens_tt,abs(mdl.Residuals.Raw),3);
p = polyfit(E(~isnan(varBinResiduals)),varBinResiduals(~isnan(varBinResiduals)),3);
Warning: Polynomial is badly conditioned. Add points with distinct X values, reduce the degree of the polynomial, or try centering and scaling as described in HELP POLYFIT.
figure('position',[0 0 800 300]); box on; hold on;
plot(Tfit30.dens_tt, abs(Tfit30.error),'.k');
yline(0,'w'); ylabel('std Residuals'); xlabel('Bird Density');
legend('fitted datapoint','Empirical histogram','polynomial fit')
[Y,E] = discretize(Tfit30.time,100);
[G,ID] = findgroups(Y);
varBinResiduals(ID) = splitapply(@std,Tfit30.error,G);
% p = polyfit(Tfit.dens_tt,abs(mdl.Residuals.Raw),3);
p = polyfit(E(~isnan(varBinResiduals)),varBinResiduals(~isnan(varBinResiduals)),3);
figure('position',[0 0 800 300]); box on; hold on;
plot(Tfit30.time, abs(Tfit30.error),'.k');
yline(0,'w'); ylabel('abs/std Residuals'); xlabel('Bird Density');
legend('fitted datapoint','Empirical histogram','polynomial fit')

Model residual absolute value

% stepwiseglm(Tfit30,'constant', 'ResponseVar', 'abserror', 'PredictorVars', {'lat','lon'},'Verbose',0,'Upper','poly22') % same with ,'Criterion','bic'
% stepwiseglm(Tfit30,'constant', 'ResponseVar', 'abserror', 'PredictorVars', 'dens_tt','Verbose',0,'Upper','poly5')
% modelspec = 'abserror ~ lat + lon + lat:lon + lat^2 + lon^2 + dens_tt';
% mdlabserror = fitglm(removevars(Tfit30,{'ratio','NNT','time','radar','error'}), modelspec)
mdlabserror = fitglm(Tfit30.abserror,Tfit30.dens_tt);


compactmdlabserror = compact(mdlabserror);
compactmdl = compact(mdl);